More Boobs Please!

AlezSuze.comIt’s a fact that most women whatever their size want larger boobs. I can say hand on heart that I am now happy with the ones I have having gone through a whole range of sizes whilst growing up. And as I have written here before, I even considered having implants when I was younger. I’m so glad I didn’t.

The most common way to increase size is using a padded bra which pushes them together and makes them look larger. You can also get even more curves by inserting chicken fillets in to the bottom of your bra cup. I’ve used these in the past too, you have to be careful that they don’t work their way out of your bra.

There are also all manner of lotions, potions and tablets on the market, none of which I have tried may I add. Although I can see the benefits of having your partner rub lotions in to them that would be quite nice, I’m not sure that these actually work.

I happened on these the other day, F Cup Chocolate Cookies contain a vine plant called Pueraria Mirifica which they claim increases the size of the breast. Or alternatively satisfies the chocoholic in us all.

I’m not sure that I believe that a cookie can make your breasts larger but if there is anyone out there who had benefited from eating them drop me line. 🙂

In the meantime I’ll stick with my own breast increasing theory…

“Alex do you want to massage my boobs with some of this oil?” 😉

Tags: breast enlargement, F-Cup Cookies, Pueraria Mirifica

2 thoughts on “More Boobs Please!

  1. lol, hilarious. The only thing that those cookies are going to make bigger are either your hips or ass.

    Almost as hilarious as the “take this pill and it will make your dick longer” commercials on late at night. At the end of the commercial, they say “if it didn’t work, could we afford this ad?”

    What a bad advertisement add.

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